Fun On Campus !
With the various community events available on campus, theres always something good to look forward to. From making cute knickknacks, playing games, eating goodies, and watching Sunday night movies. If you like competition and are very knowledgable, trivia night is the place for you with snacks provided; my personal favorite, the nacho bar. The beginning of the semester, I attended an event held by RA's Lesley and Babe. We received information about alcohol and marijuana consumption and the dangers it comes with. The activity they had for us was to walk a straight line with drunk goggles, which was a challenge for most of us. When I tried, in my head before, I was determined to walk that blue taped straight line, however I failed. It explained a lot for the consequences of alcohol, if intoxicated and the bad sight drunk drivers have causing crashes. Additionally, I got to meet new people, especially freshmen whom I will spend the next four years with.
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